Upcoming Event Dates
Join Merle At One Of Her Upcoming Events
Tuesday, April 30th
Loyalty Books – Washington, DC – 7:00PM (EST)
Wednesday, May 15th
New York State Assembly – Albany, NY

Previous Events
After receiving copies of CHOICES and being inspired by Merle’s remarks and passion, many students have signed up to volunteer escort and intern at CHOICES.
January 17th
Revolution Books (NY)
As one organizer at @revbooksnyc reflected, “This wasn’t just another interesting author event. Merle emphasized the stakes: what each of us decides to do now will matter tremendously for the future.”
January 22nd
Housing Works Bookstore Cafe (NY)
March 6th
Harvard Law School
(Cambridge, MA) — Merle’s birthday!!
“The students loved Merle!! It was a really great event—thank you, Merle, for your steadfast commitment to women’s freedom. Merle was also a star in my class, so thank you for that, birthday girl. :D” – Diane Rosenfeld
March 7th
Smith College
(Northampton, MA)
“A reproductive rights veteran looks at the future of abortion following Roe, IVF” by Juliet Schulman-Hall (3/6/2024)
March 8th
Feminist Futures Radio Show with Carrie Baker (WHMP Radio — Northampton, MA)
“Merle Hoffman’s Post-Roe Abortion Rights Manifesto: ‘Anger Is Our Sacred Fuel’” (4/3/2024)
March 29th
Girls Write Now “Friday Night Salon” (NY/Virtual)
“My ‘feminism’ came from the ground up, from the experience of being with so many women and girls in a moment of extreme power and vulnerability.” – Merle Hoffman
April 2nd
Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ) — Writing Workshop and Evening Talk, hosted by Roxane Gay